Roommate Match
If you are looking for a roommate for the 2001AnnualMeeting in Reno, you can post information about yourself by clicking on `Sign Guestbook' below. You can also view postings from individuals seeking roommates by clicking on `View Guestbook'. Please keep all posts appropriate.
You should contact any potential roommates by email. Once you have identified a roommate, one of you must make the hotel reservations. Also, please repost to the guestbook your name and "Yes" to the "Found roommate" selection.
Questions? Contact the 2001 Roommate Match Coordinator:
Jacqueline Goveas
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Chem. Eng. MS 362
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005
Tel: 713-348-3539
Fax: 713-348-5478