Frankie Wood-Black
Frankie Wood-Black, Technology Services Marketing Manager, Phillips Petroleum Company
F. (Frankie) Wood-Black has served as technology services marketing manager for Technology & Project Development for Phillips Petroleum Company since May 2001. Prior to this, Frankie was the Quality Assurance Team Leader at the Borger Refinery and NGL Center. Wood-Black began her career with Phillips in 1989 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, as a research scientist for research and development. In 1994, she was transferred to the Woods Cross Refinery as an environmental scientist whose job responsibilities include regulatory compliance for air, Community-Right-to-Know and the Toxic Substance Control Act. She was transferred in 1998 to Corporate Health, Environment and Safety in the Property Risk Management Group, to become site manager for non-operating sites before her relocation to Borger, Texas in 1999. Frankie Wood-Black was born on Sept. 6, 1963, in Klamath Falls, OR. She received a B.S. degree in physics with a minor in chemistry from Central State University (now the University of Central Oklahoma), Edmond, OK in 1984. She attended Oklahoma State University and received a doctorate in physics in 1989. Frankie has been active in numerous professional activities and is currently the Chair of the Chemical Health and Safety Division of the American Chemical Society. She is a contributing editor of the Journal for Chemical Health and Safety with her co-authored column "CHAS Netways." She has 1 patent, 9 technical publications, and has co-authored a book entitled Emergency Preparedness Planning - A primer for Chemists.