2002 WIC Session
Keynote Presentation:
"Status of Women Faculty at MIT"
A groundbreaking report on the status of women faculty in MIT's school of science was released in March 1999. Since then, committees on the status of women faculty were established in each of MIT'S five schools. These committees produced a second set of reports released in March 2002. Key findings from the reports will be presented with emphasis on data from the School of Engineering. The methodologies used to initiate and carry out gender equity studies will also be addressed.
Invited and Contributed Presentations:
"Removing Barriers - PROGRESSing Toward the Future"
"Divine Secrets of the ChE ChE Sisterhood: My 20 Years in Chemical Engineering"
Kathleen Barton, Director of Chemical Process R&D and Chris Seymour, Pharmacia
"Networking Strategies"
Diane Wolf, Area Vice President, Northeast Area Operations, Kraft Foods
"AWIS: Institution Assessment Tools and Model Academic Policies"
Catherine Didion, Association for Women in Science
"A National Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute (WISELI)"
Regina Murphy, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin
Molly Carnes, Director, University of Wisconsin Center for Women's Health & Women's Health Research